Robert Zimmermann’s Second Secondment at Industry Partner INTERSPORT
In his second secondment, Robert was working at his industry partner INTERSPORT from January to March.…
PERFORM Contributes to the 15th International Business Informatics Congress in Potsdam, Germany
Exhibiting the conference’s theme “Changing Landscapes – Shaping Digital Transformation and its Impact”, two supervisors and…
Third Training Week hosted by DCU
The third PERFORM Training Week is complete! The week was fully packed with guest lectures on…
PERFORM at the 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting in Seattle, Washington (USA)
Albina Galiullina and Nevin Mutlu participated in the 2019 Annual Meeting of the Institute for Operations…
PERFORM Researchers at the TU Berlin – “Researchers meet Innovators” Event
On the 11th and 12th of July 2019, two ESRs from the PERFORM network team participated…
PERFORM Receives a Best Paper Award at FAIML 2019 and Attends the ECML-PKDD 2019
Douglas Cirqueira, attended the 2019 International Conference on Frontiers of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (FAIML)…
PERFORM attending the European Researchers’ Night “PROBE” at Trinity College Dublin
On Friday, 27th, 2019, PERFORM Team Dublin had the opportunity to showcase our research at the…
PERFORM at the Human-Computer Interaction International Conference 2019 in Orlando, Florida (USA)
Four ESRs and two supervisors of the PERFORM project attended the 21st Human-Computer Interaction International Conference, which…
Douglas Cirqueira and Sebastian Macht speak at the European Retail Startup Night in Vienna
The European Retail Startup Night on the the 19th of June was hosted by the Austrian…
Douglas Cirqueira and Sebastian Macht start their Secondment at FH Steyr
Secondments are a crucial part of every ESR in the PERFORM project, to foster the collaboration…
Johannes Kepler University hosts the Official Second Training Event in Linz, Austria
Linz, a European Capital of Culture, was the destination of our next stop in the Marie…
Rehan’s Secondment at Partner Organization in Torun, Poland
Rehan Iftikhar, Marie Skłodowska Curie Researcher, based in Dublin City University has recently finished 1st part of…