The connection between research and industry is more important than ever. Therefore, a secondment is part of each ESRs journey in the PERFORM project. Robert’s secondment is connecting him with the digital department of the INTERSPORT in Wels, where he will stay from April to June 2019 and from January to February 2020.
Having more than 5500 stores in 45 countries, generating 11 billion euro in turn over, INTERSPORT is the biggest medium sized business group selling sports equipment worldwide. In the DACH region, INTERSPORT is currently adjusting and renewing their omni-channel strategy giving Robert the perfect opportunity to do research.
With his secondment being at the INTERSPORT headquarters of Austria, he is at the very center of decision-making and therefore able to observe and analyze changes in the omni-channel environment of INTERSPORT on the spot.
The goal of Roberts’s first secondment is to develop customer specific and comprehensive customer journey maps for the INTERSPORT and to evaluate the efficiency of different customer journey mapping techniques for omni-channel retailers.