Gültekin Cakir
ESR 12
Maynooth University
Who am I?
My name is Gültekin Cakir. I am from Germany and I have a background in business management. I completed my bachelor’s studies in business administration at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Dortmund (FHDO), Germany, including a semester abroad at the University of South Australia in Down Under. I focused on marketing, controlling as well as on strategic management topics and completed my studies with a thesis about adaptation of digital communication strategies. Shortly after, I followed with a master programme in business management and conducted my thesis in collaboration with the digital start-up “Lilienthal Berlin”, an online pure player in the lifestyle fashion industry. After finishing my master’s studies as best in class, I started working as a research assistant at CASEM, an interdisciplinary case study and research centre at FHDO, specialised in applied management research and education. During that time, I also gave lectures in Strategic and International Management as well as in Innovation Management.
My field of interests embrace the dynamic challenges in today’s digital retail, marketing analytics and their overall relevance in the aspects of strategic management. Here, my role in PERFORM comes into play, where I am responsible for conceptualising a comprehensive Framework to analyse and uncover knowledge out of large data – tailored to the needs of digital retail decision-makers. Being part of PERFORM grants me the grateful opportunity to participate in contemporary digital retail challenges, follow my passion in research and work within an internationalised and diverse team – most of all, these aspects give me the privilege but also the responsibility of becoming a pioneer in the future of digital retail, personally and professionally.
To relax and keep my mind free, I do sports, yoga, travel, or get together with my buddy to elaborate new start-up ideas
Recent Posts about Gültekin
PERFORM Researchers Host a Special Session on User Decision Support and Human Interaction in Digital Retail – WUDESHI-DR 2020
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