Title: Transformation Paths of Established Business Models towards Digital Retail
Project Description: Global competition in highly dynamic retail markets demands companies to detect changes in its corporate environment early to be able to take effective actions. Thus, a key aim of this research project is to investigate barriers and key success factors in the digitalization of retail business models.
Supervisor: This position is supervised by Anita Mirijamdotter who is associate professor at Linnaeus University at the Department of Informatics.
Host Institution: Linnaeus University is one of Sweden’s newest higher education institutions. LNU offers ca. 180 degree programs, and 2,500 single-subject courses to more than 30,000 students at all levels, with is 2000 staff members. Its various scholarly disciplines are organized into five main Faculties: Technology, Economics and Business, Life Sciences, Social Sciences, and Humanities. The position is hosted at the Department of Informatics that conducts research and offers educational programs in information systems.
Secondments: This position includes 1 secondment to a partner organisation. The planned secondment will be to
- the firm Scheer GmbH, in Germany, beginning of year three of studies, for a period of four months. The aim with that field study is to investigate ‘examination of the existing business model practice’.
Main Result: Business Model diagnostics Tool Box: A tested managerial tool box to support a firm’s diagnostics of its capabilities and compliance to operate digital retailing