The recruitment workshop took place the 13.03.2018-14.03.2018 at Dublin City University. We conducted over 50 interviews and are optimistic we could already cover some of our open PhD positions.
Right at the project start on the 1st of January we started our recruitment efforts. We placed ads on multiple online recruitment platforms, forums, blackboard, mailing-lists and also conducted offline recruiting using posters and leaflets. We received a lot of applications for our two calls. In the last weeks we evaluated all these applications. To ensure an open, transparent, and merit-based process, every application was assessed by multiple people using the same assessment scheme. This process led to a short-list for every open position.
At the recruitment workshop we interviewed all applicants from the short-lists. Again we created a common assessment scheme for all interviews to ensure a fair process and made sure every interview was evaluated by at least three people. Coordinating all 14 organizations and the different supervisors of every position was a lot of effort, but we are confident, we have conducted a fair, open, transparent, and merit-based process. Since all interviewees were highly qualified for the positions we are convinced our process led to the selection of the most suitable applicants for our positions.